President Obama's cult-like devotion to the "Climate Change/Global Warming" scam has led to its interjection into just about all federal agencies.
In what was once America's premiere scientific agency, NASA under Obama has become just another huckster for the President's phony-science, "global warming" push.
In his proposed new budget for NASA, this fanaticism is reflected in just how taxpayer moneys are to be spent.

The Daily Caller explains:
The NASA budget President Barack Obama released Tuesday is far more concerned with spending cash on global warming research than supporting the agency's mission of space exploration.
The top scientific question the space agency claims it wants to answer in its budget justification is "How are Earth's climate and the environment changing?" The more typical space questions, such as "Are we alone?" and "How does the universe work?," were at the very bottom of the list.
"This administration cannot continue to tout plans to send astronauts to Mars while strangling the programs that will take us there," Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith , chairman of the House Science Committee, told The Daily Caller News Foundation. "President Obama's 2017 budget proposal shrinks our deep space exploration programs by more than $800 million. And the administration once more proposes cuts of more than $100 million to the Planetary Science accounts, which have previously funded missions like this past year's Pluto flyby."
The space agency's budget includes more than $2 billion for its Earth Science Mission Directorate for global warming science, which is specifically allocated to improve climate modeling, weather prediction and natural hazard mitigation. In comparison, NASA's other functions, such as astrophysics and space technology, are only getting a mere $781.5 and $826.7 million, respectively, in the budget proposal.
The American scientific agency that once sent men to the moon and launched probes into deep space, is now being tasked with making Al Gore look good, apparently.

Well, lots of luck to them with that. They will only be added to the discredited hacks in the rest of the Obama Administration who are playing radical, left-wing politics instead of applying solid science to the mysteries of the universe.
The Daily Caller has more:
"At the same time this proposal shrinks space exploration priorities within NASA's budget,it disproportionately increases Earth Science accounts to more than $2 billion – a seventy percent increase since 2007," Smith continued. "This imbalanced proposal continues to tie our astronauts' feet to the ground and makes a Mars mission all but impossible. This is not the proposal of an administration that is serious about maintaining America's leadership in space."
Spending on NASA's Earth Science Mission Directorate has increased by 63 percent over the last eight years, making it the largest and fastest growing budget of any NASA science program. Over the same time period, the general NASA budget grew only by 10.6 percent — just enough to account for inflation.
The Directorate's goal is to help NASA "meet the challenges of climate and environmental change." The organization is also responsible for global warming models proven to be inaccurate when checked against actual temperature observations.
Obama and Democrats in Congress consider expanding the budget for global warming science to be a political imperative. Obama has repeatedly attempted to cut other NASA directorates, like space exploration, so money could be redirected to global warming science.
This is typical of Obama's "fundamental transformation" of America. Whereas, we used to lead the world in the exploration of space and the universe, now we are wasting billions to further lies that promote world socialism and destroy American private enterprise and affordable energy.

Obama may continue to put the imprimatur of NASA onto his phony agenda, but the facts will still scream out the truth eventually.

Let us hope NASA isn't all but destroyed by the time Obama and his raging socialists are forced out of town by the next election.