Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fwd: Soyuz ready for lift off overnight from Sept 25 to 26

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From: "Gary Johnson" <>
Date: September 25, 2014 9:54:46 AM CDT
To: "Gary Johnson" <>
Subject: FW: Soyuz ready for lift off overnight from Sept 25 to 26

Lots of good photos.




The State Commission approved the crews manned transport spacecraft "Soyuz TMA-14M"

24/09/2014 14:13

September 24 at the Baikonur Space Center held a meeting of the State Commission for conducting flight tests of manned space systems under the guidance of O.N.Ostapenko.

Considering the results of the preparation for the flight of the main and backup crews of manned spacecraft (WPK) "Soyuz TMA-14M", the State Commission has approved them as part of:

The main crew:

Samokutyayev Alexander - Commander of the WPK "Soyuz TMA-14M" (Roscosmos);

Serova Elena O. - Flight Engineer 1 TPK "Soyuz TMA-14M" (Roscosmos);

Barry Wilmore - Flight Engineer 2 TPK "Soyuz TMA-14M" (NASA).

Backup crew:

Gennady I. Padalka - Commander of the WPK "Soyuz TMA-14M" (Roscosmos);

Kornienko Mikhail Borisovich - Flight Engineer 1 TPK "Soyuz TMA-14M" (Roscosmos);

Scott Kelly - Flight Engineer 2 TPK "Soyuz TMA-14M" (NASA).


Start a space rocket "Soyuz-FG" with transport manned spacecraft "Soyuz TMA-14M" is scheduled for 00:25 Moscow time on 26 September.

Roscosmos press service




ISS-41/42 to the flight ready!

24/09/2014 18:58

Exactly 24 hours later the prime crew of the ISS-41/42 will go to the "Gagarin Launch", and now the commander of the spacecraft "Soyuz TMA-14M" and flight engineers Alexander Samokutyaev Elena Serova, Barry Wilmore, and their backups Gennady Padalka, Mikhail Kornienko and Scott Kelly responded to numerous questions from journalists.

Opened the press conference the head of Cosmonauts Training Center. YA Yuri Gagarin Lonchakov.He said that the crew will fly to the International Space Station, accompanied by two special companions. On the eve of the International Day of the Tiger Roscosmos together with the autonomous non-profit organizations "Amur Tiger" and "Far Eastern leopards" conduct an environmental campaign to attract the international community to the problem of conservation of populations of rare species. "At the ISS with the crew will fly toy leopard and Siberian tiger named Moore, who will soon become a new character, the children's television program" Good night, kids! "- Told reporters Yuri Lonchakov and Alexander Samokutyayev and Elena Serova demonstrated toy tiger and leopard, which is literally across the night will go to space travel.

ISS also go a symbol of the 16th FINA World Championships in Aquatics 2015 - a cylinder filled with water from the river Kazanka. "The water returns to the earth, our colleague Maxim Surayev. We hope that the character, who had been in orbit, our athletes will win! "- Said about the unusual cargo spacecraft Alexander Samokutyayev. Elena Serova supported counterpart, noting that "physical training, including swimming - this is one of the main components of the preparation for the astronaut."

Russian journalists and international media crews were asked questions related to how the work on the orbit of the main crew of the ISS-41/42, and the upcoming annual flight Mikhail Kornienko and Scott Kelly. There was a traditional question about the relationship between the members of the crew on the ISS. The answer was unequivocal Samokutyaeva Alexander: "We must respect each other and sometimes overstep by itself - it is a postulate of the cosmos! We are ready! I am sure that my crew sweeter and cope with all the challenges! ".

Launch of "Soyuz TMA-14M" with a crew of cosmonauts Alexander Samokutyaeva Roscosmos, Elena Serova and NASA astronaut Barry Wilmore is scheduled for 00:25 Moscow time on 26 September.  

Roscosmos press service



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The State Commission meeting
September 24, 2014

The State Commission meetingThe State Commission held its meeting at Baikonur launch site where the primary and backup crews for Soyuz TMA-14M were approved and the readiness of the space launcher system was confirmed.  












September 24, 2014

The State Commission meeting

The State Commission held its meeting at Baikonur launch site where the primary and backup crews for Soyuz TMA-14M were approved and the readiness of the space launcher system was confirmed.

Prime crew: Aleksandr Mikhailovich Samokutyaev (Roscosmos, Russia), Soyuz TMA-14M Commander; Elena Olegovna Serova (Roscosmos, Russia), Soyuz TMA-14M Flight Engineer-1; Barry Eugene Wilmore (NASA, USA), Soyuz TMA-14M Flight Engineer-2.

Backup crew: Gennady Ivanovich Padalka (Roscosmos, Russia), Soyuz TMA-14M Commander; Mikhail Borisovich Kornienko (Roscosmos, Russia), Soyuz TMA-14M Flight Engineer-1; Scott Joseph Kelly (NASA, USA), Soyuz TMA-14M Flight Engineer-2.

The members of the primary and backup crews reported their readiness for the mission.

The launch of the Soyuz-FG integrated launch vehicle with the Soyuz TMA-14M spacecraft to the ISS Orbital Complex is planned for September 26, 2014 at 0:25 a.m. Moscow time. 



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State Commission approves crewmembers for ISS-41/42 long-term expedition to ISS


September 24, 16:53 UTC+4
The Soyuz TMA-14M spacecraft will deliver crewmembers of the next ISS long-term expedition, including a Russian woman cosmonaut for the first time in the last 20 years, to the ISS


Soyuz TMA training machine

Soyuz TMA training machine

© ITAR-TASS/Igor Kuberdinov

BAIKONUR, September 24. /ITAR-TASS/. The State Commission on Wednesday approved crewmembers for the Expedition 41/42 to the International Space Station (ISS) on September 26.

The Soyuz TMA-14M spacecraft will deliver crewmembers of the next ISS long-term expedition, including a Russian woman cosmonaut for the first time in the last 20 years, to the ISS.

"The Souyuz TMA-14M spacecraft will carry Russian cosmonauts Alexander Samokutyayev and Yelena Serova, and NASA astronaut Barry Wilmore. The backup crew is made of Russian cosmonauts Gennady Padalka and Mikhail Korniyenko, as well as American astronaut Scott Kelly," one of the crewmembers told Itar-Tass.

The ISS crew will stay aboard the station for 168 days. The crewmembers are to handle three Russian resupply spacecraft Progress and a European ATV vehicle. Samokutyayev, together with the ISS crew member Maxim Surayev who is currently aboard the station, will take a spacewalk.


Soyuz crew to take toy tiger cub Mur and far eastern leopard to ISS


September 24, 21:09 UTC+4
This will make part of an action to call public attention to rare species


© ITAR-TASS/Nikolai Galkin

BAIKONUR, Kazakhstan, September 24 /ITAR-TASS/. A new Soyuz crew will take a plushy toy tiger cub Mur, a new character of a popular Russian children's TV programme "Good Night, Little Ones!" and its toy pal - the Far Eastern leopard-to the International Space Station /ISS/ as part of an action to call public attention to rare species.

The action has been organized by the Russian Space Agency /Roskosmos/ and two non-profit organizations - the Amur Tiger and the Far Eastern Leopards centers.

A new ISS crew whose composition was approved by a state commission earlier on Wednesday is to take off from Baikonur on September 26. For the first time in ten years, the crew will comprise a woman - Elena Serova. The ISS expedition will last for 168 days.

"On the eve of the International Tiger Day, Roskosmos has decided to support an environmental action designed to call public attention to rare species. The Amur tiger cub named Mur and a far eastern leopard will fly to the International Space Station," Yuri Lonchakov, the head of the space training center, said.

In addition to that, the crew, comprising Alexander Samokutayev, Elena Serova and Barry Wilmore, will take a flask with water taken from the River Kazanka in Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, in honor of the 16th FINA World Championship in aquatics to be hosted by Kazan in 2015.

The crew of Maxim Surayev which the new ISS expedition in going to replace will return the flask with water back to Earth. The 'space' water will later be handed over to a museum.


Soyuz spaceship with international crew on board to lift off overnight from Sept 25 to 26

September 25, 11:48 UTC+4
The participation of Russian woman cosmonaut Yelena Serova in the space expedition will be a notable feature of the flight

International Space Station

International Space Station


BAIKONUR, September 25. /ITAR-TASS/. A Soyuz TMA-14M manned spaceship with an international crew of a long-duration expedition 41-42 on board is to be launched on the night from September 25 to 26 from Baikonur spaceport for a journey to the International Space Station /ISS/. A spaceport official told ITAR-TASS, "The liftoff of the carrier rocket Soyuz-FG with the spaceship Soyuz TMA-14M from Baikonur's Gagarin Site 1 is scheduled for 20:25 GMT".

The participation of Russian woman cosmonaut Yelena Serova in the space expedition will be a notable feature of the flight. She will be the first Russian space woman to set out on a long space flight after the elapse of 20 years. Her predecessor, Yelena Kondakova, made a five-month orbital flight aboard the Mir space station in 1994.

The spaceship will be piloted by Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr Samokutyayev. He and his crew mates Yelena Serova and American astronaut Barry Wilmore when reaching the ISS will join Maksim Surayev, Gregory Wiseman, and Alexander Gerst, who have been workign aboard the ISS since May this year. The new crew will work in orbit for 169 days.

The spaceship TMA-14M is to dock with the ISS after a shortened, six-hour, flight at 02:25 GMT on September 26, mooring at the Russian module Poisk /quest/ /or MIM-2 of the orbital station. One of the advantages of the shortened-flight diagram is that the crew do not have to get adapted to zero gravity in the closed space of the spaceship Soyuz where, besides, it is rather cold.

The condition of weightlessness begins to tell on the human organism in about five hours' time /of the flight/, that is, the cosmonauts will be adapting themselves to zero gravity when aboard the ISS in comfortable conditions. The first manned space flight according to the shortened diagram /the spaceship makes only four orbital revolutions/ was made by the crew of the Soyuz TMA-08M spaceship in March 2013.

When in orbit, the new crew are to perform an extensive programme for scientific studies and applied research and experiments and receive three Russian resupply Progress spacecraft and a European ATV space vehicle. Besides, Samokutyayev together with Maksim Surayev is to take a spacewalk.

The safety of the spaceship along the entire flight path will be ensured by military and civilian aircraft and helicopters as well as a ship of the search-and-rescue service of the Russian Navy in the event of an emergency landing of the Soyuz TMA-14M, said a Federal Space Agency official.


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